Production Blog

 As I continue working to prepare my blog together its going alright. It is still difficult with the videos and finding them. With photos I've found more while looking. I've found more that I like and might use. Some photos I found in the past I won't use. Some photos aren't as good as others are. I have gotten some photos from others and may use them. I have also got videos from others and am thinking on using them. With editing I am still learning all the ropes for Cap Cut. I think I should have the hang of it when it's time to do the commercial. I'm finding more photos and videos which means I need to find a good order. To do that I'm gonna keep reviewing once I finish the commercial. When I put the stuff together like I said I'll add effects. I'll find effects and transitions which fit the commercial. Right now I am planning the commercial. Planning such as the format and things of that nature. Planning videos and photos is just searching for them. But with things for the video It's going well. I should have the commercial done soon and definitely on time. I am going to continue getting everything right with the commercial.


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