Production Blog

 So far I have continued working on this project and improving. I've been getting better with my commercial in several ways. I have reviewed photos and videos to find ones I like and don't. I like some photos and videos I've found. It's still some I don't know about using yet because its not very appealing to me. I'm getting better with choosing the videos and photos besides that. I am figuring out a order for the videos and the photos. I'm getting better at using the Cap Cut app with editing and transitions. The app is simple to use so once I really begin editing and stuff it should be fine. It's still hard finding videos to use though. It's getting easier but it is getting harder at the same time. The videos that I find don't really show me to much. I have some videos of me playing football or other sports like track. Other than that it isn't much videos of me. I'm either going to have to make videos or continue searching for some. But I have an idea for the photos I'll add to the commercial. Once I finish finding videos and find some certified photos I'll begin putting together the final product. With the final product I should be fine with using Cap Cut by then. After I finish putting together the project I will go through it a couple times to review it and make sure I like it. If I find anything that could be fixed, or improved I'll just go back and edit and I think more than likely I'll be doing that on the commercial.


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